Inbox alert : you have got a new mail
From : “”
To : “”

To view your eCard, choose from the options below.

Click on the following link.


Copy and paste the above link into your web browser`s “address” window.

Thanks for using Greeting Cards on

Most of the people feel it’s festival time so as we are getting mail from yahoo regarding our religious festivals.
80% click on the link with eager to know it’s card or greeting text?

The basic logic of phising is that only to make you eager or excite about the link

if you mouse over the link you can find (latest phising link we found is)

even if someone little more intelligent he could see only as browser address is not so big which can show you entire link.

Yahoo officially announced to not to click on such links. Official says

Security Alert: Yahoo! Greetings will never ask you to reset your Yahoo! Greetings account password through an email. If you receive an email requesting you to reset your password, do not open it or click on any links contained within the email.

This is to inform you not to click on such page which asks for your login Id and password. you may loose your account information.

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