some times it may happen that you need to change your multiple files extensions and make it unavailable to others. you can do it by simple way.
suppose you have a folder located at C: in which you have your personal images

  • put all pics in a folder for example it’s C:Trip
  • make two batch files called : whereispic.bat hereispic.bat

how to make batch files?

first of all open notepad
type following syntax


echo ‘hi’
rename *.jpg *.jp
echo ‘your pics are not available now’


Save this file at C:Trip folder and name it whereispic.bat also make sure you select save as type all files.
so now your C:Tripwhereispic.bat is ready to hide your pics.
running this file will change your all picture files’ extension to .jp.

now to undo this steps you need to make another bat file called hereispic.bat


echo ‘hi’
rename *.jp *.jpg
echo ‘your pics are available now’


Save this file at C:Trip folder and name it hereispic.bat
so now your C:Triphereispic.bat is ready to show your pics.
running this file will change your all picture files’ extension to .jpg.
This is just a tutorial to change multiple files’ extension using batch file.

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